Friday, May 22, 2009

End of the week, Cristin

I need to start writing down what exercise I did in my calendar each day-I am finding it extremely hard to remember what I did from day to day. Is that old age? I think it is.

On Tuesday, James and I went for a lunch time run by the lake. It was gorgeous outside so we took advantage of it. That’s what you do in Chicago-take advantage of the weather. It was short-about 20 minutes or so but it felt good.

Wednesday I actually got up when my alarm went of at 6:35! That is unheard of just so you know. I did 20 minutes of yoga and then a few minutes of meditation. I am trying to add these things into my life. Ideally, this is how I would start every morning. So far it was just Wednesday.

Thursday I walked to the gym (20 minutes) and then did 12 minutes on the elliptical and then about 15 minutes of weight lifting. I decided I couldn’t do 2 or 3 sets of everything due to the fact that I get kinda bored with it so I did one set of everything for as many reps as I could. I think I got a pretty good full body workout in. I might do this more often too since I feel like I should do more weights but I get so down thinking about lifting weights for 45 minutes.

I realize I am constantly changing my workout and what I want to focus on. I can’t decide if that is a good thing or not.

Happy Long Weekend!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Week Whuddever, Natalie

Last Thursday I basically did a lot of lifting, moving, running up and down stairs, running around like a crazy person for like 6 hours. Therefore, I took the rest of the week off. And the beginning of this week. Hopefully group exercise will start up again soon and have classes I want to take, because I'm not doing very well on my own. Today I mowed the lawn, weeded, and planted in my yard. THEN, I installed a dog door. One would not think that this would be too labor intensive, but my jigsaw is like 300 years old, and my door varies in thickness. Hopin' to do something fun and active tomorrow afternoon... not sure what yet.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some of Week 19, some of week 20, Cristin

I can’t remember what I did last week. I know I took a few days off because my whole body was sore and I think I just needed some rest. Took a long walk on Thursday and did an hour and ten minutes of Pilates with my Denise Austin DVD. That lady is crazy. First, she’s old. Secondly, she talks to you as if she’s teaching a class of 4 year olds. It was slightly maddening. It was hard to get too mad because the DVD is actually pretty tough. Especially since I did the “customize” work out and accidentally added every single 10 minute segment to my personalized work out.

I woke up on Saturday with a raging headache and tried to go for a run but the pounding was so bad I had to stick to walking. I wasn’t hung-over. I did celebrate my birthday the night before but I was very grown up and didn’t get drunk. I think I had too many different types of wine. Word to the wise: stick with the same kind all night.

Sunday morning I was headache free and went for a 3-mile run that felt great! Later on, I walked about 2 miles, which was nice because in between the walking and the running I ate a ton of food. Not only was it my birthday weekend but two other friends’ as well. So I basically celebrated all weekend long. This is why on Monday I came home from work and took a nap instead of a run. “Just Do It” kept entering my mind but my body wasn’t on board.

Natalie-I don't think you have to start over!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Week 1? Day 1 Natalie

Do I have to start all over again? This afternoon I got over my fear of the rec center pool, and headed over for a swim. I didn't swim for a particularly long time, but man, i can already feel it in my muscles. All of those little muscles that don't get used running, biking, doing ballet, pilates, yoga... yowza. I hate to even think what it's going to feel like tomorrow. At any rate, it's good to be back. Missed y'all! Oh, and week 18 I did ride my bike once. ha!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

End of week 18, beginning of week 19, Cristin

I didn’t feel well Friday but I did take a 20 minute walk because after I slept for a couple hours after work I felt kinda gross and needed to get out of the house. Luckily, by Saturday I felt fine and went for a run.

On Sunday I also ran and added in some push ups, tricep dips, step ups, and sprints. After that I did a few round offs, cartwheels and handstands just for fun. I watched the NCAA Gymnastics Championships earlier in the day and was feeling quite inspired! In case you didn’t know, I really wish I was an elite gymnast. Big time.

Monday was another run. I’ve been running a lot more because the weather is so nice it pains me to be inside a gym sometimes. I’ve really gotten back into it and I couldn’t be happier about it. For the most part, I’ve been running a little over two miles and on Saturday I ran 3. I am so excited to be a runner again! I’m not focusing on time so much although I am aware of it and it seems like I’m running right around a 10 minute mile which is A-OK with me.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 19, Herpreet

Everybody! This is my final week of training before my triathlon. I am a little terrified, a little excited, and on some level, calm. The calm part baffles me and makes me less calm. Inner voice: Why are you so calm? You shouldn't be so calm. What's wrong with you? You better get anxious. If you're too calm, you'll freak out on the day of the event.

Today, we went out to Lake Austin. There are infinite places to swim here, I'm finding. I drove way into the hills and then down toward the water. One of our instructors lives on the lake. Our task was to swim 1/4 mile out to some reed grass and then back in for a total of 800 meters - race distance. My instructor advised that I use fins. Part of me didn't want the fins because it's easier to swim with them. But I think Coach V was wise. She said that I have anxiety about the murkiness - so I should get the fins on and concentrate on building my confidence about swimming in the KIND of water, since I already know that I can do the distance. She was correct. This is the FIRST TIME EVER that I have SWAM in murky lake water. Not treaded or floated or done some incorrect version of breast stroke. No, I swam. Freestyle and Back stroke. Occasionally, I did tread and float a bit to reorient myself and make sure I was swimming fairly straight and not way out to the middle of the lake. I did great. After the swim, I took the fins off and dove in and swam in the murk, blind as could be under water. But I reminded myself that when I breathe, I can see, and I can check to make sure I'm following the course correctly. If I can stay this calm on Sunday, it will feel like a major major feet.

Week 18, Herpreet

Week 18 was last week, and suddenly, I'm feeling like I'm keeping track of a pregnancy. Only pregnant people speak in weeks, right? The birth of our fitter selves.

So last week, week 18. I had an amazing swim at Barton Springs. Amazing. It was amazing because I did not let myself tread one single time. I swam 4 lengths (1/2 mile) doing only free style and back stroke. I did stop at the end of each length and rest, BUT, I was calm and collected while I swam.

Wednesday, we did a 3 mile run. I did walk for part of it, and I was okay with that.

On Saturday, I went out to Walter E. Long Park, which is the site of my event this Sunday. We rode the bike course. I felt, well, not so great about my 12 mile ride. It is VERY VERY HILLY. The hilliest ride I've ever done, and I had to stop and walk my bike up one of the hills. ARG. I left feeling panicked - like - how the hell am I going to ride up all those hills after I've swam 1/2 mile???!!!! Negative, negative, negative thoughts.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Week 17 and 18 I think.

Agh! I haven't written in so long! But I have been exercising.

Last week I ran on Monday and Wednesday and I made it to Pilates on Friday AND ran in the evening too!

This week I ran on Sunday,went to the gym BEFORE work on Monday and ran on Tuesday. I took off Wednesday and Thursday due to some scheduling problems. And today I don't feel well so I am leaving work early and skipped Pilates. If I feel better later on I will try to get a run in.

So, yeah. I've been running a lot more. And they have been such good runs! I've stopped trying to go faster and started running just to run and it feels great. Sometimes I'm not even aware of which songs I have heard or how many times I have run around the park. SWEET!!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

End of Week 17, Part 2, Herpreet

Friday's bike ride was a 3 mile warm up on a cycling loop and then a very scary 8 mile ride along the hilly highway. Yes. I said highway. I've never concentrated so hard on keeping my balance on a bike. Cars whizzing by at 75 miles an hour. Me riding on the shoulder. Who does that? Oh yeah, Ausinite cyclists.

Today, I met up with 2 women from my tri class. We swam 4 lengths of Barton Springs to practice for May 17. So, I completed an 800 swim today. I did free style, back stroke, and my weird treading/semi breast stroke... We stopped at the end of the pool, rested and swam back to the start. I admired the fish and the strange plants in the water. I didn't experience vertigo in quite the same way as the first time I swam in the springs. I now feel exhausted, but also less frightened about the event in a few weeks. I'm thinking of singing the theme song to Laverne and Shirley to myself as I swim the race.

Week 17, Fail. Natalie

I didn't do smack this week. I'm trying to get papers finished so I can be done with the semester.

Friday, May 1, 2009

End of Week 17, Herpreet

I had to look at a calendar to figure out the week... Are we all slacking off a little? We need some motivational kicks in the butt, don't we? That's my feeling.

Last weekend was my first triathlon. I did the 300 meter swim mostly on my back, and also...treading water. That may seem ridiculous, but free style in the open water just isn't working for me right now. I'm trying to figure something out for May 17 when I have to do 800 m. For now, I'm also a lot scared. Why, why, why can't the swim be in a pool, is what I'd like to know. I would do SUCH a good job if it was.

The rest of it was okay, some mishaps along the way. I had to pee the entire race, and by the time I got to the run, I ended up having to run off course to relieve myself. Dropped my water bottle again on the bike ride. Lessons learned: Pee in the water. Bring a cheap water bottle on your bike and don't stop to pick it up if you drop it.

This week, we had a swim on Monday. It was a nice "recovery" swim. Wednesday we ran, but I mostly walked. I put yankz in my shoes, and I think they were too tight and just not feeling right. My foot started hurting. So I'm switching back to my old laces. We ride bikes today. Tomorrow I'm going to practice my swimming.

Later ladies and Kevin.