Thursday, April 9, 2009

Week 14, Cristin

On Monday, I did 25 minutes of cardio. Ten minutes on an elliptical and then 15 minutes on this stair steppy/elliptical type machine. It’s a great machine. I don’t know what it’s actually called but it uses more resistance than the elliptical and I think that is a good thing.

Tuesday I did 20 minutes of yoga at home from Exercise TV. I really want to add yoga to my life because I think I can really benefit from the calming, relaxing effects of it and I want to be more flexible. It’s really hard to find the time for it since none of the yoga classes at my gym work with my schedule. The grand idea in my head is to wake up in the morning and do it first thing. However, there is that whole I-am-not-a-morning-person problem. So for right now I am just going to try to fit it in where I can.

On Wednesday, James and I went to another version of last week’s torture class. The regular teacher was on spring break (I am so tired of everyone else getting a spring break) so there was a new teacher. He ran the class sort of as a boot camp. By the way, boot camp is hard. With every move we did, he would reference sport that used the move and called us athletes. I like to pretend I am an athlete so I liked it. He also called us soldiers at one point. I care less about being a soldier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love yoga on exercisetv. Here is my favorite one, Yoga Fitness Fusion...