Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Last Week and This Week, Natalie

Last week I did ballet on Tuesday, and then exercised a lot by lifting drinks up off the bar and to my mouth. Spring Break '09 y'all! Yeah, not much exercise. But yesterday I returned to ballet, and today went for a grueling run. I hadn't run since before I started with the ballet, so I think I've lost my ability to pace myself. I felt really good starting out, and felt like I was running nice and strong, but then I pooped out. I also think this has something to do with me knowing about how far I've run no matter where I am in relation to my house. I need to start running elsewhere.

SO I'll keep it up because it's week 15!
I'm starting a non-dairy diet. Have any of you done that before? I've heard it can have an effect on psoriasis so I'm going to give it a shot... but I figure it will be really hard, because you never know where dairy is lurking. we will see. so far I've tried a silk yogurt for breakfast this morning (it was ok... not great, but tolerable for sure) and bought some tofutti cuties (non-dairy ice cream sandwiches) which were actually really good! I guess I just need to be careful and pay attention. I'll keep everyone posted.

The end.


Cristin said...

Tofutti Cuties are the best! I've never gone non dairy but I love those things.
Almond Breeze vanilla almond milk is really good too.
Good luck!

herpreet said...

I've never done non-dairy, but I have a friend who is sort of semi-non-dairy. She doesn't purchase any dairy or eat it at home, but she'll eat it if she's somewhere where it is. How will you not eat cheese? That would be the hardest part for me.