Thursday, October 29, 2009

I think I'm Back! (Herpreet)

I guess the title says it all.

I am considering training for a half marathon. I need to kick myself in the butt to get active again. I need to do so because Austin is making me fat (I live within a half mile radius of the best cupcakes I have ever had in life and the best pie I have ever put in my mouth), and because not doing anything is making me moody and depressive. I need endorphins.

So. Maybe if I just start writing about the desire to exercise, I will finally actually just do it! Did I just give Nike a plug? Hmm.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We Be Lazy

I actually have given up on looking at my blog reader or anything else blog-related. However, I was doing quite well with staying active. Last week I pretty much failed at exercise, but I do walk the dogs 1/2 hour in the am and 1/2 hour in the evenings, which is at least doing something. I look forward to squeezing a run in this afternoon or tomorrow at lunch. Hope everyone is doing well-