Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 8, Days 1, 2 and 3 (warning: negative nelly post)

I am not feeling it again this week. This is bad.

On Tuesday I worked out while watching the Biggest Loser (side note: this season is filled with the biggest cry babies ever! It is so stupid. I can barely stand it). I did Gwyneth P’s arm exercises again along with some cardio and abs for about 40 minuets.

On Wednesday I had a stupid day at work so I skipped rehearsal and the gym and when I got home I did 20 minutes of yoga from exercise TV while waiting for James to get home with the Thai food. It was actually harder than I thought it would be and it was exactly what I needed- something quick and restorative yet challenging.

On Thursday I ran 1.25 miles and walked another .25 miles. It wasn’t much but I was under a time constraint and also not feeling it like I mentioned above.

Today I skipped my lunch time Pilates class because I got to work so late (9:30) that I did not feel like I could turn around and leave an hour and a half later to go to the class! There was a 12:15 yoga class that I probably could have gone to but for some reason my ass did not leave my chair. I am trying not to beat myself up for it.

I think I need to sign up for a 5k to have something to train for to keep me motivated. Oh-and find a way to make a living as an actress and not whatever the hell I do and also move to a place where it isn’t winter 9 months out of the year (it’s going to snow this weekend!)

This is a horrible entry. I am sorry. I am being negative. I will focus on positive thoughts for the rest of the day.

I am excited to make your mixes! I am doing them this weekend. I know it will technically be the beginning of March but that is very close to my goal of the end of Feb. I hope you all like them.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 8 Day 2 Natalie

I woke up yesterday morning feeling better than I have since before I got sick the first time. It was a welcome change! I sanded for most of the day, and then took care of some school reading. Today after class, I went to the rec center and ellipticalled for 45 minutes whilst watching Ellen. It was good times. I'm glad to be back!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week 8, Days 1 and 2, Herpreet

MONDAY. I. had. a. terrible. swim. I don't even know if you could call it a swim. I DID NOT feel up for my class. Then I got there, and we were supposed to swim 400 meters (8 laps/16 pool lengths) off the bat (after a short warm up). And we were supposed to swim them at race speed. I had to stop in the middle. We were trying to bench mark our time. I stopped at the end of the pool and said to my instructor: "I can't benchmark today. I'm sorry. I just know that I can't." And I was glad to admit it, but also felt really crappy about myself, on top of the fact that I've generally been feeling moody and homesick and have been missing my friends terribly. It made me feel worse. I did still get in a little swim and feel better for it than I would if I hadn't gone at all.

But it also put me into a panic about the triathlon. I started feeling like maybe I'm going to have another anxiety attack in the water on event day...

Today, I'm still feeling kind of blah and homesick. Friend-sick is the real problem. But I go on a run, and strangely enough - running has become the sport I'm best at of the 3 triathlon events. So hopefully, the run will help build my spirits. It's a beautiful sunny day here. So being in the sun will also hopefully help...

Week 7, Day 2 Herpreet

Didn't meet my goals in Week 7 - only 2 workouts. But the second was a 6 mile bike ride on a really gorgeous day!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 8 Day 1 Natalie

I didn't make it very far, but I ran this morning. I'm afraid I'm sick again. I was trying to ignore it, but there's no denying it. Hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing. I did a fair amount of work in the kitchen over the weekend, too... which might count for something. Now I'm going to go drown my sorrows in some ginger ale.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 7, Days 3 and 4, Cristin

Dragged myself to the gym again last night. 30 minute workout with cardio and weights. Of course, as always, I was glad I went. I read or heard somewhere that if you don’t feel like working out you should go into the gym, change into your gym clothes and walk out of the locker room. If you still can’t handle it after that, leave. I have walked into the gym more than once with that mentality and it is true-once I change I am fine (or at least more willing to give it a go). I guess it also works if you are a person who drives to the gym already in your gym clothes. Drive there, park, walk in and if you still don’t feel it go home.

I can’t wait to be able to do things outside again. We are supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow this weekend. Boo.

I’m going to my lunch time Pilates class today too. I don’t mind lunch time workouts so getting there should be no problem.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome Back! Week 7, Day 1 Natalie

This morning I took my last day of antibiotic, so decided to stop at the rec center on the way home. I did the elliptical for 35 minutes, one of the cross training routines. I usually just do easy start and stick with a comfortable level. It was hard! But I stuck it out and finished it. It also felt good to be back to doing something more active than walking the dog.

Since I don't know how to do weights or anything, I've decided to start working on some home renovations on my off-cardio days. That's right. I'll be paint scraping and sanding and all kinds of good stuff for a while. My arms have never been more toned, or strong, as when I worked in antique restoration. It's amazing how quickly repetitive motion can build up those muscles... after a few months I was so strong! So that's my plan.

So that's that.


Where is Leslie?

Week 7, Day 2, Cristin

Made it to the gym and did 15 minutes on a bike and 15 minutes on an elliptical. Not my best stuff but I really really did not want to go so I am glad I did what I did. This week has been hard for me. I think it was having 4 days off of work in a row. It just makes me want another vacation. And I am tired of winter.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 7, Day 1, Herpreet - and special message to Kevin


Last week, we did a bike ride instead of a hike - the weather was bad on Saturday, so no hike. But Sunday, we got out and rode. I admit that after 2 1/2 miles we stopped and had a glass of wine and a sandwich before we rode 2 1/2 miles home...

TODAY!!!! A run on a beautiful day! I go at noon.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 7, Day 1, Cristin

The weekend mostly consisted of wine tasting, eating and more wine tasting. I managed to take two walks around the woods where we were staying (a cottage in Michigan-so cute and relaxing and all around a fantastic mini vacation) but they were both pretty easy and short. Got back last night and (reluctantly) worked out while watching the Biggest Loser. I did some arm exercises by Gwyneth Paltrow’s trainer again and added cardio and abs for a 45 minute workout.

Natalie-do not feel bad about taking it easy while you are sick. Your body needs it and will recover faster if you rest. Do it.

Herpreet-Your workout sounds like it was killer! As soon as I can run outside comfortably (weather wise) I am going to try it!


Week 6, Day 5!, Cristin

5 days! Yes it’s true. James wanted to work out Friday morning before we left for the weekend and I reluctantly agreed. We did the Jillian’s 30 Day Shred workout. That sh*t is hard. In the end I was glad I did it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 6 Day 2,3, etc.

I'm still not feeling 100%. I went on a walk with my friend and the dogs on Wednesday, then yesterday I actually ran. I went very slow, and not very far, and today I feel as though maybe I took a step back. So I'm going to stick to walking until at least Monday. Poop. I have not enjoyed my rest because it's included illness, and I don't want to lose steam!

Week 6, Days 1, 2, and 3! Herpreet

Hola bloggercisers! On Monday, I did a swim at the Y with my class. We did a lot of swim drills that I was really bad at. And this frustrated me. I also swallowed water. I did not care for that. When I got home, I had to pour a mix of vinegar and rubbing alcohol into both ears to get the water out. Make, of the tone of this, what you will.

Then, on Wednesday, we met at a local highschool's track. Digression: The entire track is made of recycled rubber from running shoes. That is pretty cool, if you ask me. I did a 1/4 mile jog to literally warm up while I waited for the other team mates to arrive. It was a windy day. When they arrived, we all did a 1/4 mile warm up together. Then the real workout began:

1/2 mile around the track (2 laps) - 10 push ups - 10 supermans - 20 bicycle crunches - 10 squats - 10 lunges.
1/4 mile around the track - Repeat above exercises.
1/4 mile around the track - Repeat above exercises.
1/4 mile around the track - Repeat above exercises.
1/4 mile around the track.

Needless to say, yesterday, I WAS VERY SORE. I moved around like a really old lady. Today, I am mildly sore. We don't have class today, b/c it's an Austin public school holiday, and our coach has kids, as do people in the class. We also don't have class on Monday. BUT - I am going to self-motivate.

Tomorrow, for my day 3 of this week, I plan to do a hike with C. I don't know yet where we'll go, but for my birthday, he gave me a book that includes a bunch of nice trails around Austin. So, that will be my day three. I think I deserve a relaxed hike after that crazy Wed. workout.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 6, Day 4, Cristin

Whoa. 4th day by Wednesday. Crazy. I knew I had to get them in because I’m going out of town on Friday and while there is talk about doing fun outdoorsy stuff this weekend there is equal talk of multiple wine tastings and steak dinners. And that stuff usually wins. So I managed to drag myself to the gym between work and rehearsal and do a full body workout. I almost talked myself out of it but am so glad I went. It makes me think that if I managed 4 this week I should be able to get 4 in every week. Great. I have just raised the bar on myself.

I am going to make you all a mix and send it out since I came up with the idea. And then someone else can/doesn’t have to make one next. So email me your addresses when you get a chance. My goal is to get it to you all by the end of February.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 6, Day 3, Cristin

I’m going out of town Friday and am going to miss my new, beloved Pilates class. So I made it to a different one at the other gym yesterday. It was a lot less vigorous and I don’t feel like it was a great work out. But, it was relaxing and maybe that is what I needed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Week 6 Day 1 Natalie

I'm taking things really easy this week because it seems I've got an upper respiratory infection-type thing going on over here. This afternoon when I got home Annie and I joined my childhood friend Aaron and her parents' dog Sam on a stroll about the neighborhood. I wouldn't call it exercise, but at least I'm doing something despite my urge to sleep.

Week 6, Day 2, Cristin

Lunchtime workout on the treadmill. I went just over 1 ½ miles in about 20 minutes, walking included. And I’ve decided that is great since I really need to work on actually being a runner again before I try to care about time. And then I did 20 push ups. Not bad for a Monday.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 5, Day 3

It was a cycle/jog!!! 40 minutes cycling indoors and then we transitioned to a short jog. So we'd start thinking about what the triathlon will feel like...That was Friday.

Week 6, Day 1, Cristin

Managed to get in my Sunday start with an hour an a half of ice skating. It’s really the perfect exercise because it just feels like a good time. And yesterday was particularly fun. The rink in our neighborhood has been pretty crappy lately so we took a drive to Hyde Park (Barack Obama’s neighborhood!!) and skated on a rink that is on the sight of the Midway of the 1893 Worlds Fair. And then we headed to one of Obama’s favorite restaurants called Dixie Kitchen and Bait Shop and ate Southern food that made me miss home and also think that I simply ice skated in order to eat since it was pretty calorie laden. But who cares? Barack Obama eats there!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Do you guys realize we've stuck with it for the better part of 5 weeks?!?!?! Congrats to us all!!! PPS: I had a dream last night that Cristin and Kevin hated me and thought I was a slacker. sniff sniff.

Week 5 Day 3 Natalie

Just went for a run. Friday afternoon. Didn't really feel like it because I feel I might be malnourished because I didn't eat dinner last night and today I've had cheese puffs, coke, birthday cake, and 1/2 of a Take 5 candy bar. But it was fine, and I actually picked up my pace a bit. 2.24 miles. No elliptical this week, house renovations kept me from going to the rec center. Maybe I'll try for tomorrow. The end!

Week 5, Day 4, Cristin


Pilates at lunch time today and HOLY HELL Pilates is hard! How could I have not remembered that from last week? I don't think it helps that I am still sore from my day 3 workout.

Even though I am in pain I am still VERY excited about being able to include Pilates in my routine. I looked forward to it all week and even had dreams about it. It is possible that I am a little too excited but what can I say? I envy flat, toned stomachs and I want to get me one.

I am also very happy that I got 4 days in and Saturday can be free.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 5, Day 3, Cristin

I did a full body workout yesterday. It felt great! I try to fit these in at least once a week because I know my body changes the most when weights are involved but for some reason it has been quite awhile since the last one. I am sore! But it felt great. (on a side note-there was another girl there who was super duper skinny and wearing pants that said LOVE right above her ass-why? why?)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 5, Days 1 & 2, Herpreet

The triathlon training is going really well. Monday, we did a 1000 meter swim - which is just over 1/2 mile! Not all at once, but in total.

Today, we ran 3 miles! Since I usually hit a wall at 2 miles, I am exceptionally happy about this. We did a little game to build our endurance. I'll tell you what it was so you can try it too if you want - you can play alone. We did a nice slow warm up jog, and then someone would yell out, "To the 2nd bench! Moderate!" And everyone had to run a moderate pace to the 2nd bench on the trail. When we got there we'd slow back down, and the next person would yell, "To the water fountain! Fast!" And we'd pick up the speed and go to the fountain, then bring it down and the next person would yell out. We did slow, moderate and fast pace. It really made running the trail move SO MUCH FASTER.

In general, I have to say, that today is the first day I felt really, truly psyched that I am doing another triathlon. I decided that after finishing this one, if I don't panic in the water, and all goes smoothly, I am officially going to be able to say that I am a triathlete.

I haven't begun training every single day. I'm giving myself one more month of only training on my class days, but come March, I'll get going to an everyday routine.

I'm sad to report that the yoga has gone by the wayside. Hopefully, I'll get to it again, eventually.

Week 5 Day 1, Day 2 Natalie

I didn't fit the 3rd day in last week, unless you want to count a marathon drinking event in Philadelphia on Friday. Wing Bowl, a chicken wing eating contest and annual shit-show lured me in at a ridiculous hour and spit me back out late in the evening. Needless to say, I spent much of Saturday on my friend's couch watching The Worlds Scariest Places as narrated by Zelda Rubenstein.

But I came home Sunday night, and as much as I really didn't want to, I went for a run Monday afternoon when I got home from my internship. It wasn't fast, it wasn't very long... about 2.3 miles at a sluggish pace, but hey- I did it, right? And today I went for a quick jaunt when I got home from school, just under 3 miles, with an attempt to work on speed by trying to pick up the pace for a minute or so every once in a while. So, I'll keep with that and hopefully hit the rec center for some ellipticaling tomorrow. I also bought the Women's Health guide to fitness or something ridiculous about that, which should be stuffed with helpful information about how to get fit. If I find anything amazing, I'll be sure to pass it on. SO! there we have it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 5, Day 2, Cristin

30 minute lunchtime workout. Elliptical and push ups/ab work. I am very glad this happened because I was not sure I was able to do it. I am crampy and crabby. Sorry, Kevin to bring cramps into this blog but I cannot help it.

I also realized recently that I am tired of my workout play lists. Today it didn't matter because I was lucky enough to score a copy of US magazine at the gym but for the most part I am tired of my music. I thought maybe we could all make a mixed CD (or whatever media form kids are using these days) of our workout tunes and send them out. Or we sort of pick names and make one for that person and them rotate each month or something. Just a thought since we never got the rewards program off the ground. And I need new music.

Week 5, Day 1, Cristin

I decided that a Sunday start is key to me getting at least 4 workouts in each week. So I ran OUTSIDE on Sunday. Yes, it was a balmy 37 degrees here so I seized the opportunity! I ran for about 20 minutes over lots of snow and ice but it felt great!

I am also happy to report that my jeans are fitting better than they did at the beginning of January. Hurray!