Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 7, Day 1, Cristin

The weekend mostly consisted of wine tasting, eating and more wine tasting. I managed to take two walks around the woods where we were staying (a cottage in Michigan-so cute and relaxing and all around a fantastic mini vacation) but they were both pretty easy and short. Got back last night and (reluctantly) worked out while watching the Biggest Loser. I did some arm exercises by Gwyneth Paltrow’s trainer again and added cardio and abs for a 45 minute workout.

Natalie-do not feel bad about taking it easy while you are sick. Your body needs it and will recover faster if you rest. Do it.

Herpreet-Your workout sounds like it was killer! As soon as I can run outside comfortably (weather wise) I am going to try it!


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