Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome Back! Week 7, Day 1 Natalie

This morning I took my last day of antibiotic, so decided to stop at the rec center on the way home. I did the elliptical for 35 minutes, one of the cross training routines. I usually just do easy start and stick with a comfortable level. It was hard! But I stuck it out and finished it. It also felt good to be back to doing something more active than walking the dog.

Since I don't know how to do weights or anything, I've decided to start working on some home renovations on my off-cardio days. That's right. I'll be paint scraping and sanding and all kinds of good stuff for a while. My arms have never been more toned, or strong, as when I worked in antique restoration. It's amazing how quickly repetitive motion can build up those muscles... after a few months I was so strong! So that's my plan.

So that's that.

1 comment:

eliza said...

As for arms & stuff, I am really liking Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred DVD. It works the frak out of your arms. All you need is a pair of dumbells. It is like weightlifting for dummies. (Not that you're a dummy.)