Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 6, Days 1, 2, and 3! Herpreet

Hola bloggercisers! On Monday, I did a swim at the Y with my class. We did a lot of swim drills that I was really bad at. And this frustrated me. I also swallowed water. I did not care for that. When I got home, I had to pour a mix of vinegar and rubbing alcohol into both ears to get the water out. Make, of the tone of this, what you will.

Then, on Wednesday, we met at a local highschool's track. Digression: The entire track is made of recycled rubber from running shoes. That is pretty cool, if you ask me. I did a 1/4 mile jog to literally warm up while I waited for the other team mates to arrive. It was a windy day. When they arrived, we all did a 1/4 mile warm up together. Then the real workout began:

1/2 mile around the track (2 laps) - 10 push ups - 10 supermans - 20 bicycle crunches - 10 squats - 10 lunges.
1/4 mile around the track - Repeat above exercises.
1/4 mile around the track - Repeat above exercises.
1/4 mile around the track - Repeat above exercises.
1/4 mile around the track.

Needless to say, yesterday, I WAS VERY SORE. I moved around like a really old lady. Today, I am mildly sore. We don't have class today, b/c it's an Austin public school holiday, and our coach has kids, as do people in the class. We also don't have class on Monday. BUT - I am going to self-motivate.

Tomorrow, for my day 3 of this week, I plan to do a hike with C. I don't know yet where we'll go, but for my birthday, he gave me a book that includes a bunch of nice trails around Austin. So, that will be my day three. I think I deserve a relaxed hike after that crazy Wed. workout.

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