Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 4, Day 3, Herpreet


Today, my triath. training class met at a place called the Veloway. It is a cycling and roller blading trail. No runners, No people with triple-wide strollers. No people walking 5 dogs. I love the Town Lake trail, but it gets mad-CROWDED.

The Veloway has two trails. One is a 3.1 mile loop with low hills, and the other loop is super hilly. We rode the less hilly one today - I did 6.2 miles. I am incredibly happy about this. I rode the entire way up the highest hill on my first round without having to lift off my bike, but on my second round, I had to lift.

My yoga seems to have fallen by the wayside. I'm going to see if I can find a Saturday or Sunday class at the Y, because I think it's more realistic that I'll make it to class on one of those days.

Week 4, Days 1, 2 and 3, Cristin

I thought about blogging separately about each day but decided it was too much work.

Wednesday- Week has been busy but finally got Day 1 in on Wednesday. I managed to fit in a 30 minute workout between leaving work at 6:00 and having to be at rehearsal at 8:00. 25 minutes on the elliptical. 5 minutes on the rowing machine. It was just fine.

Thursday- Day 2 lunchtime workout. I ran! For 2 miles. On the treadmill. My run and I happened to have a great relationship this day. I increased the pace and the incline every minute for 4 minutes and then ran one minute easy and repeated this 4 times with a warm up and cool down walk (the 2 miles included my warm up walk FYI). It felt great and I’ve realized I can do anything in one minute increments.

Friday- Day 3 lunchtime Pilates class! The branch of my gym that is near my work offered free weekends (including Fridays) in January to the members of the South Loop gym (the one I go to). And after January it’s only $5/month if you want to add it to your membership. I think I will do this. I’ve wanted to add Pilates to my workouts but I have not been able to find the time. This solves that problem as well as the whole working out on Friday sucks problem. And another good thing is I don’t feel the need to shower after Pilates so I don’t feel rushed getting back to work. Sure there are those who would argue that I must shower but I ignore them. I would love to add this gym completely to my membership (the multi gym package) but it basically doubles the cost. And even when the economy was in great shape and we were all greedily spending money like fools I couldn’t afford that.

And I agree, Herpreet. We are all doing Great!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 4, Day 2, Herpreet

The triathlon class is GREAT for keeping me regular with cardio. Today we ran. I did a 2 miles total - walking and running. The first 1/4 mile walk was a warm up. Then a one mile run. Then a 1/4 walk, then a 1/2 mile running cool down. The one mile was to record my benchmark - Today it took me 10:50 total, with my avg. 1/4 mile being 2:43 I think. So I'm aiming to first get back to a 10 minute run, which feels very doable, and then to bring my run down to maybe 9:30 min.

I haven't been keeping up with my yoga, but I'll try to get back with that, I promise.

By the way, I feel like we are all doing exceptionally well!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 4, Day 1, Herpreet

Yesterday, I scraped myself up and went to my triathlon training class. We did a 100 yard warm up. And THEN, we did a benchmark. We had to swim 400 yards (16 lengths of the pool, or 8 laps) and she timed us. We were allowed to stop and rest as needed. The whole 400 took me 12 minutes and 45 seconds. (I was the slowest person in my class.) After swimming the 400, I did a 50 yard cool down, swimming backstroke. All in all, 550 yards.

So, I guess I'm setting a goal to build up my endurance and to be able to pace myself so I can do 400 yards in 10 minutes. Which means I'd finish 800 yards in 20 minutes. Have I mentioned that I'm sort of terrified of swimming 800 yards without stopping?

Week 4 Day 2 Natalie

Since I want to be sure I get at least 3 SOMETHINGs in this week, I took a short run this evening after Annie and I walked down to the dog park with our neighbors and their dog. It was just over a mile, but it was something. I can't decide if I'm going to run or elliptical tomorrow. I suppose time will tell....

Kevin Week of 4 40's--Nailed It

I feel like a completely different person. I don't feel as stuffy, stiff, or tired as I had after pigging out during xmas. My singing is better, thanks to extra lung capacity. Everything is just better.

So I'm assigning myself---another week of 4 40's! I just did number 1 last night. I felt a lot stronger and pedaled (ran? ellipticalled?) a lot more smoothly. The time is starting to fly by. I feel too good after each time to screw with my routine for a while. I'm doing one more week of these puppies, maybe two, before I go back to the machines. I can't kid myself--this is what I need to work on the most, not building muscle. First, I need to get in SHAPE.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 4 Day 1 Natalie

Is it really week 4? I'm off to a good start- ran 3.3 miles this afternoon with a brand spankin' new pair of shooz. Many thanks to my sister for providing me with a new pair of shoes for Christmas! The weather was nice, but I forgot about the beast of a hill in hundred oaks. ow! This week I'm going to have to squeeze everything in before Thursday because I'll be getting on aeroplane and flying to Philadelphia mid-day Thursday. But I plan to be back in action next Monday-- No excuses!! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Lesley is in need of a new power cord for her laptop- so she hasn't been able to update. Surely she's been exercising though, right Les? Tomorrow is her birthday so let's give her a giant bday shout out....

Week 3, Day 5, Cristin

Yep. That's right. A fifth day for week 3. Crazy. One whole hour of ice skating. It doesn't really feel like exercising until you get home and are so exhausted you can't leave the couch. So I'm counting it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Week 3, Day 4, Cristin

30-ish minute lunchtime workout. Some weights. Some cardio. Yippeeeeeeee!

Week 3, Day Two, Herpreet

YO! So, I skipped my yoga and triath class on Wednesday. I'd begun school on Tuesday, and I felt plain old wore out the next day. HOWEVER....Today, I got myself up, ate some food, piddled around, and then headed to yoga. And after? I did my triath class. Which today was a swim. It is the first time I've stepped foot in a pool in EIGHT months. But honestly, if felt like YEARS. And I was feeling pretty nervous about it. We first did a warm up, and to my complete shock, I knew how to swim. I don't know why it never fails to shock me that I know how to swim. But it truly does. We did some drills, which was very helpful. My instructor commented on my form. Also helpful. We did a "ladder" which means we swam 25 yards, rest - 50 yards, rest - 75 yards, rest - 100 yards, rest - 75 yards, rest - 50 yards, rest - 25 yards, rest. All in all, with our warm up and drills and the ladder, I swam NINE HUNDRED YARDS. Eh, hem. That is over half a mile.

Today, I also found out our distances for the triathlon. My last two were called "super sprints," i.e. super - short. This one will be a "sprint" event. 800 (1/2 mile) swim, 12 mile bike, 5K (3.? miles). My last two were 1/4 mile swims and 2 mile runs. SO, I guess I'm moving on up...We all are!

In honor of our progress and also the WEEKEND, here is a little Friday treat. I was going to post the theme song to the Jeffersons, but then I remembered this little... Well, I can't call it a gem. But. It does have considerable entertainment value.

Kevin--Week of 4 40's. 3 Down, 1 to Go!

Every now and then, if I'm feeling stiff, unathletic, bloated, stressed, or bored with the routine, I assign myself a week of hitting the elliptical for 40 minutes, 4 times, within the week. I also call this "The Week of 4 40s". I find that catchy titles help when composing a new program.

A lot of people diss the elliptical, but I love the shit. I know it's not like running, but if you set the resistance high enough, you get a major workout. I don't know, anything that makes me sweat fire and wish I were dead two minutes after I start doing it qualifies as a thorough workout in my book. Has anybody figured out a way to do this stuff while your napping, or like you're watching TV, and you don't even realize you've been doing intense cardio for the last 30 minutes?

I'm pretty proud, because only two minutes into it last night, I started feeling sore and tired. Usually it takes about 15 minutes on the elliptical for me to start wanting to slip into a deathnap. But I soldiered on, even with it being a lot harder after doing it the night before, too. I burn about 12 calories a minute--with the cooldown, I'm usually around 500-550, for 40 minutes. So I'm feeling pretty good today. Prett-y, prett-y, prett-y, prett-y good. I think I'm going to save my fourth jaunt for Saturday morning. Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 3 Day 3 Natalie

So this is going to be my new schedule I think. It works for now. I went to the rec center again this afternoon, and did the elliptical for another 35 minutes. Prior to going to the rec center I sprawled out on one of the Indian mounds and read some of my reading. So it added more structure to my life again. I might have to start staying 2 hours after class and then running around campus on Wednesdays to ensure I get a good 4 hours of reading in on school days. Then I have 5 more days to scramble to get the rest done... which will be a lot more reading than I have done in past semesters, so things should work pretty well. The End, Amen.

Week 3, Day 3, Cristin

So I FINALLY went for a run yesterday. I am very conflicted about running these days. I used to run a lot. And then I stopped. And then I started again. And then I stopped. And along the way I have found several other types of cardio that I enjoy. And part of me feels like I should still run. The other part of me would rather not.

The part of me that wants to run was at the gym last night. I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I think I have mentioned before that I HATE the treadmill. I hate running indoors. I didn’t run for the full 30 minutes. I walked for 8 (admittedly a long warm up but I really needed it) and ran for 17 and walked again for 5 minutes. All on a 2.0 incline (I read that you should always be on at least a 1.0 incline when on the treadmill so it mimics outdoors better and you burn more calories but when I look around at they gym not a single soul is doing that. They probably all think they run 7 minute miles). It was tough. It took me 26 minutes to go 2 miles (with the walking but still). In the summer, 2 miles took me 19 minutes.

So. I have a lot of work to do if I want to be a runner again.

And I’m still not sure I do.

After that I did 10 minutes on the rowing machine and a few minutes of abs.

All in all quite a good work out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 3 Day 2 Natalie

Looky here! I'm keeping up so far! Today I lengthened my run a little bit- went 3.3 miles, which took me about 34 minutes. So I guess that I reached that goal of running 30 minutes from eons ago finally. Let's see if I can keep it up!

Week 3, Day 2. Cristin

Another day of the Jillian Michaels level one shred workout. Just as tough as ever.

I also bought new winter boots. The brand is called Earth. They claim to help you burn more calories with each step. Here's what the website says:

Earth footwear can give you all the calorie-burning effects of an inclined treadmill without having to go to the gym. Found in every style, our patented Kalsø® Negative Heel Technology® positions your toes 3.7° higher than your heels - helping to tone, firm, and strengthen your body.

That's not why I bought them though. I just bought them because they were cute and on sale. But I'm always up for burning more calories by not doing anything. These aren't the ones I got but I couldn't find mine on the website. Maybe I will just make all my shoes Earth shoes and I can stop working out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 3 Day 1 Natalie

Well I'm proud to announce that I'm continuing on... when I got home today I took about a 2.5 mile run. Nice weather, a little chilly so I piled on the layers and then got hot. Then I can never take off my layers because I'll inevitably lose them, so I just kept on trucking. And I made it.

Week Three, Day One, Herpreet

Today - Yoga Class and 25 minutes on the elliptical!!! And school starts tomorrow, so I'm hoping to keep it all up!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 2 and day one of Week 3, Cristin

This past week was hard. I had trouble finding motivation and time between the negative temperatures for several days straight and a week long acting job that was extremely stressful and exhausting. But that stuff is over for now. I managed to fit in 20 minutes on the elliptical and a 20 minute pilates dvd and I'm pretty sure I did something last Sunday but I have no idea what it was.

So I started over again today. I just did the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred level one. She is tough and I think it was a good way to start out the week.

les week one..

dropped the bomb on the weekend...went out and played..monday is a re-do..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 2 Day 4 Natalie

I decided to go ahead and push for 4 days this week since I felt like taking a run, and usually when I put off running when I feel like it is when I just give up altogether. I guess we will see next week if it cured the problem. Nothing fancy, just a trot around the neighborhood with my friendly weimaraner, who stopped multiple times to sniff, tinkle, and poop.

not Annie

Kevin--Here's my problem

I'm either not meeting my challenge, in which case I'm going to avoid confronting this reality by visiting this blog---OR, I'm doing so good that I don't want to jinx myself by getting cocky.

This week=FAIL. My problem? Starting my week off on a Wednesday, which put day 2 on Friday, which I've pointed out, is a recipe for fail. I should say here, that in my case, the every other day aspect is important, b/c I've been told that it's key to work sore muscles that have been worked in the last 48 hours. I can't remember who told me this, but I believed them, and have made it the focal point of my routine.

I did do a good thing by changing up my routine a bit. This keeps me from getting bored, and being overwhelmed by giving myself so much to do that I'll never want to do it. This is another focal point of my routine--not doing too much.

Lately, that's meant cutting the cardio off the end of the workout. I'm sure I'll add it back once I'm feeling too slow and doughy, but for now, if I keep it to the machines/weights, at least I'll stick with it. And I can reintroduce the cardio once I get bored with that, so I'll have an ace up my sleeve when that happens.

Right now, that's three sets of ten reps of rows, backbend thingys, reverse crunches, pulldowns, military presses, chest presses, butterfly presses, the thigh machine, hamstring machine, calf machine, OUT.

The key right now is for me to restart it either today or tomorrow (preferably tomorrow, right?), and get three workouts in a row, every other day. Just get back on the horse, Kev. It's waitin' for ya.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Week 2, Day 3. Herpreet

I did a cycling class today as part of my triathlon training. Cycling is not my favorite thing. Today the instructor talked a whole lot about cadence. Cadence. Cadence. Cadence. I don't have much cadence. Blah.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week 2 Day 3 Natalie

Welcome to the Rec Center! I met -a over at the Rec Center this afternoon for an introduction. I did the elliptical machine for 35 minutes. The first 5 were grueling, but after that I guess I caught a groove and kept on going. I also noted that there were classes to take, which I might have to look in to. There is a ballet class!!! yea!!!

this is not the elliptical machine I used...

thank you ladies..

so I'm gonna try really hard to do this with you guys.. Monday, Tuesday 20-25 minutes walk jog with the puppy.. I sorta have to run with her she pulls so much.. then home and did 10 min ab routine.. I slacked yesterday..And this morning dog and ab thing again.. I'm going to increase those times and levels...starting in the morning..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 2 Day 2 Natalie

Both of my classes got out early today, so I was able to buy books between classes, and then got out early enough from my second class to take a nice run AND run some errands. I went 2.6 miles, and though at the end I was quite ready to stop, it was a good run. Tomorrow I will familiarize myself with the rec center... so look for another update tomorrow! Lesley????

hawhawhaw! this is what you get when you google image search running errands!

Week 2, Days 1 and 2, Herpreet.

Helloooooooo in Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Chicago!

I am very pleased to let you know that 2009 and off to a great fitness start. On Monday, I attended a Yoga class at my Austin YMCA. It lasts an hour and fifteen minutes. I thought I might be taking a wimpy way into yoga, since I chose to attend "Gentle Yoga," an introduction into Hatha Yoga. But I found that I was sore yesterday, so I was pleased to realize that indeed, I'd worked my muscles.

Today I began my triathlon training. There is a woman who does a triathlon training program at the Y. She teaches a beginner's class and an intermediate class. I attended a beginner's class today, and I was so happy with it! She spent a lot of time working with us on run drills and form when you are running up hill and down hill. I'll be training for a sprint distance event in May, and this year, my goals are to both finish, and to do so WITHOUT having a panic attack in the water!

New Challenger!!

YAY! Now, how do we play this game again? haha

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 2 Day 1 Natalie

Yesterday I took a run for a little over 2 miles, which was a nice little jaunt. The weather was much more conducive for running than Saturday's soup, and if it weren't getting dark out I may have extended things a bit longer. I have plans to meet up with -a. for a trip to the rec center on Thursday, which is more than mildly exciting. Classes start up again tomorrow, and now I'm super excited to be learning how the rec center works too. I will keep everyone posted on how things go.... Oh, and I did buy that bike pump, so once it's not so cold out I will resume riding my bike to skool. Also, my friend Lesley in New Orleans is interested in joining our challenge, so I'd like to take the time to officially and publicly call her out on it. Bring it sister! Any other takers???

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week One, Days 4 and 5 (sort of)

Sort of because they should probably be combined into one workout day. And I already did an itty bitty 15 minute workout earlier in the week

On Friday night I did a 20 minute leg workout courtesy of Gwenyth Paltrow and her weekly GOOP e-mails. Sure she is sort of a snob and out of touch with real people but the girl does work out pretty hard core (she also has a killer ginger carrot dressing recipe). So I did the work out from her trainer. I eked out about 20 reps of each exercise whereas I believe GP does about 100 reps each with 1lb ankle weights. Bitch.

On Saturday I did another at home workout combining cardio and strength training while watching a re-run of The Biggest Loser. It was about 45 minutes and I worked up quite a sweat.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week 1 Day 2 Natalie

So I didn't do all three days, but I could have written today off as a failed week and I didn't. I got up early, took Annie for a walk, came home, procrastinated by checking all of my email accounts, then set out for a quick run. OHMYGOD the weather is so disgusting! It's like swimming in soup out there! Hot, muggy, damp, thick. But I did it, so maybe next week will be an improvement. One of my chores today is to buy a bike pump so I can inflate my tires and resume riding my bike to school (as long as it isn't too cold. I'm a wuss!). Amen, the end.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Week One Day Three, Herpreet!!!

WOO-HOOO! One happy bloggercizer today! I did all three days this week! YAY!
I did a five mile bike ride. 1 mile warm up (from my house to the YMCA from my house, where c. and I took a tour of our new gym!), a 3 mile ride from the trail that starts at the YMCA and goes along the trail at Town Lake, and then a 1 mile cool down from Town Lake to home!! That last mile was is all uphill too!!

And I'm SO happy to report that my YMCA has a triathlon instructor who does classes up to 5 students. She teaches year round, and the class time works with my school schedule.

Okay, everybody - you've got two more days to meet your goals. go go go go GO!

Here is a little joy from Texas! If Austin had a theme song, I'd post it, but alas.

2009 Week One, Day Three, Cristin

Yay! Welcome back fellow challengers.

Natalie-Thank you for being impressed with me. It is what I needed to hear. And rest assured, if I had gone anywhere for the holidays I would have been knocked off track too. It also helps that my husband works out with me. Still sounds weird to say husband. Herpreet-when does one get used to that?

Anyway-Day 3. Wednesday lunchtime workout at the gym. 30 minutes of weights and cardio. Very effective. Still sore today.
I also started limiting the food and wine intake this week. So far I’ve done a pretty good job. No drinks M, T or W. 3 days in a row! Last night I had wine and it was so so good.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week One, Day 2, Herpreet


I am sore from my little one mile run, one mile walk yesterday. Ouch. But I am surviving. I walked about a mile today with the dogs and husband. I discovered (well, husband had already discovered and then showed me), that there is a nice trail that runs along a creek behind our house. Tomorrow, I run...

Week 1 Day 1 Natalie

If Wednesday can be counted as a day 1... but it rained Monday and Tuesday!!!! I did a double doozie today. I decided that for my exercise I would rake my yard. Since I usually am sore for days after raking my yard, I figured this would be ample exercise. Until I felt the butt of my jeans rip. So after I went to a staff meeting at my internship (where they sang to me and gave me birthday cake!!!) I came home and jumped back on the band wagon. Not sure how far I ran, but I'd guess between 1 and 1.5 miles. 16:40 to be exact, but that also includes stops to sniff flowers and pee (Annie was with me...) So one of my resolutions this year is to figure out how the rec center works. I have a free membership with school, so why not take advantage? Oh yeah, all those young 18 year old bodies... that's why. Glad to be back, thanks for the new challenge Herpreet! And Cristin, don't know how to tell you how impressed I am with your ability to stick with it!

problems uploading image. will post it later.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 Week One, Herpreet

Okay, folks - the New Year brings new motivation, and hopefully it's not false! I am signing up for swimming classes that begin in February. That is my birthday present to self, and I'm pretty damn excited about it. I'm also looking into yoga classes. I have this idea that in 2009, I want yoga and swimming to be my primary workout activities.

For now, I ran 1 mile today and walked 1 mile. It wasn't the greatest run ever, as I stopped at a mile, but it felt good to get off my ass and do something that didn't involve eating tubs of butter.

New Year, Cristin

Finally! It’s so good to see you Herpreet! I was getting tired of challenging myself because I don’t really listen to myself.

I won’t post for all the past days but here is a rundown:

Jan 2nd- Hour and a half workout at the gym in the morning and an hour of ice skating in the evening. Oh the things I could do if I never worked!

Jan 4th- 45 minutes of ice skating (I’m getting pretty good!)

Jan 5th- 20 minute home workout torn from the pages of Women’s Health.

Jan 6th (today)-15 minute home workout made up by me.

I have been really trying hard to make working out a priority and have been doing pretty OK so far this (new) year. I have so many resolutions and/or goals that I if I follow through on them all I will not recognize myself this time next year. I know I will not do them all but here is the gist:

Be better at all things. But don't beat self up.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What Week is This??? Herpreet

Okay. I fell WAY WAY off the exercise wagon, but by god, I am getting back on. Natalie, I had every intention of calling you for a run in BR, but it just never happened - me getting up the desire to actually run, vs. the internal desire to run. Excuses, excuses.

Okay. I am going on run tomorrow, and I'm trying to find swimming classes to take, because I've decided that in 2009, I want to become an adept swimmer, and I want swimming to be my primary workout. Also, there is a triathlon here in Sept., so I figure if I can get comfortable with swimming again, I'll train for it come July. I'll let you know when I'm all signed up.

Also - Birthday wishes to Natalie and Kevin!!! I think you were both in Dec. Am I wrong??