Friday, January 9, 2009

Week One Day Three, Herpreet!!!

WOO-HOOO! One happy bloggercizer today! I did all three days this week! YAY!
I did a five mile bike ride. 1 mile warm up (from my house to the YMCA from my house, where c. and I took a tour of our new gym!), a 3 mile ride from the trail that starts at the YMCA and goes along the trail at Town Lake, and then a 1 mile cool down from Town Lake to home!! That last mile was is all uphill too!!

And I'm SO happy to report that my YMCA has a triathlon instructor who does classes up to 5 students. She teaches year round, and the class time works with my school schedule.

Okay, everybody - you've got two more days to meet your goals. go go go go GO!

Here is a little joy from Texas! If Austin had a theme song, I'd post it, but alas.

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