Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 2, Days 1 and 2, Herpreet.

Helloooooooo in Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Chicago!

I am very pleased to let you know that 2009 and off to a great fitness start. On Monday, I attended a Yoga class at my Austin YMCA. It lasts an hour and fifteen minutes. I thought I might be taking a wimpy way into yoga, since I chose to attend "Gentle Yoga," an introduction into Hatha Yoga. But I found that I was sore yesterday, so I was pleased to realize that indeed, I'd worked my muscles.

Today I began my triathlon training. There is a woman who does a triathlon training program at the Y. She teaches a beginner's class and an intermediate class. I attended a beginner's class today, and I was so happy with it! She spent a lot of time working with us on run drills and form when you are running up hill and down hill. I'll be training for a sprint distance event in May, and this year, my goals are to both finish, and to do so WITHOUT having a panic attack in the water!

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