Monday, January 12, 2009

Week One, Days 4 and 5 (sort of)

Sort of because they should probably be combined into one workout day. And I already did an itty bitty 15 minute workout earlier in the week

On Friday night I did a 20 minute leg workout courtesy of Gwenyth Paltrow and her weekly GOOP e-mails. Sure she is sort of a snob and out of touch with real people but the girl does work out pretty hard core (she also has a killer ginger carrot dressing recipe). So I did the work out from her trainer. I eked out about 20 reps of each exercise whereas I believe GP does about 100 reps each with 1lb ankle weights. Bitch.

On Saturday I did another at home workout combining cardio and strength training while watching a re-run of The Biggest Loser. It was about 45 minutes and I worked up quite a sweat.

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