Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 4, Day 2, Herpreet

The triathlon class is GREAT for keeping me regular with cardio. Today we ran. I did a 2 miles total - walking and running. The first 1/4 mile walk was a warm up. Then a one mile run. Then a 1/4 walk, then a 1/2 mile running cool down. The one mile was to record my benchmark - Today it took me 10:50 total, with my avg. 1/4 mile being 2:43 I think. So I'm aiming to first get back to a 10 minute run, which feels very doable, and then to bring my run down to maybe 9:30 min.

I haven't been keeping up with my yoga, but I'll try to get back with that, I promise.

By the way, I feel like we are all doing exceptionally well!

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