Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 4, Days 1, 2 and 3, Cristin

I thought about blogging separately about each day but decided it was too much work.

Wednesday- Week has been busy but finally got Day 1 in on Wednesday. I managed to fit in a 30 minute workout between leaving work at 6:00 and having to be at rehearsal at 8:00. 25 minutes on the elliptical. 5 minutes on the rowing machine. It was just fine.

Thursday- Day 2 lunchtime workout. I ran! For 2 miles. On the treadmill. My run and I happened to have a great relationship this day. I increased the pace and the incline every minute for 4 minutes and then ran one minute easy and repeated this 4 times with a warm up and cool down walk (the 2 miles included my warm up walk FYI). It felt great and I’ve realized I can do anything in one minute increments.

Friday- Day 3 lunchtime Pilates class! The branch of my gym that is near my work offered free weekends (including Fridays) in January to the members of the South Loop gym (the one I go to). And after January it’s only $5/month if you want to add it to your membership. I think I will do this. I’ve wanted to add Pilates to my workouts but I have not been able to find the time. This solves that problem as well as the whole working out on Friday sucks problem. And another good thing is I don’t feel the need to shower after Pilates so I don’t feel rushed getting back to work. Sure there are those who would argue that I must shower but I ignore them. I would love to add this gym completely to my membership (the multi gym package) but it basically doubles the cost. And even when the economy was in great shape and we were all greedily spending money like fools I couldn’t afford that.

And I agree, Herpreet. We are all doing Great!


Anonymous said...

Showering is overrated. So overrated. :)
PS - look out Cristin's core!!! I need to do a little core training myself. But, one thing at a time.

Nat D said...

yeah, showering is WAY overrated!