Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 4, Day 1, Herpreet

Yesterday, I scraped myself up and went to my triathlon training class. We did a 100 yard warm up. And THEN, we did a benchmark. We had to swim 400 yards (16 lengths of the pool, or 8 laps) and she timed us. We were allowed to stop and rest as needed. The whole 400 took me 12 minutes and 45 seconds. (I was the slowest person in my class.) After swimming the 400, I did a 50 yard cool down, swimming backstroke. All in all, 550 yards.

So, I guess I'm setting a goal to build up my endurance and to be able to pace myself so I can do 400 yards in 10 minutes. Which means I'd finish 800 yards in 20 minutes. Have I mentioned that I'm sort of terrified of swimming 800 yards without stopping?


Cristin said...

You can do it!!

Nat D said...

You can SO do it! Proud!