Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 3, Day 2. Cristin

Another day of the Jillian Michaels level one shred workout. Just as tough as ever.

I also bought new winter boots. The brand is called Earth. They claim to help you burn more calories with each step. Here's what the website says:

Earth footwear can give you all the calorie-burning effects of an inclined treadmill without having to go to the gym. Found in every style, our patented Kalsø® Negative Heel Technology® positions your toes 3.7° higher than your heels - helping to tone, firm, and strengthen your body.

That's not why I bought them though. I just bought them because they were cute and on sale. But I'm always up for burning more calories by not doing anything. These aren't the ones I got but I couldn't find mine on the website. Maybe I will just make all my shoes Earth shoes and I can stop working out.


Nat D said...

I am intrigued by these shoes. I need to check out my on demand workouts. I forget about them. Oh yeah, and there were ballet classes at the rec center... need to look into them too!
Great job!

Cristin said...

Yes. On demand is great when you just can't leave the house. I'm jealous of your rec center! I think I went once the whole time I was at LSU and that was just to get a smoothie because I heard they had great smoothies! Lame.