Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kevin--Here's my problem

I'm either not meeting my challenge, in which case I'm going to avoid confronting this reality by visiting this blog---OR, I'm doing so good that I don't want to jinx myself by getting cocky.

This week=FAIL. My problem? Starting my week off on a Wednesday, which put day 2 on Friday, which I've pointed out, is a recipe for fail. I should say here, that in my case, the every other day aspect is important, b/c I've been told that it's key to work sore muscles that have been worked in the last 48 hours. I can't remember who told me this, but I believed them, and have made it the focal point of my routine.

I did do a good thing by changing up my routine a bit. This keeps me from getting bored, and being overwhelmed by giving myself so much to do that I'll never want to do it. This is another focal point of my routine--not doing too much.

Lately, that's meant cutting the cardio off the end of the workout. I'm sure I'll add it back once I'm feeling too slow and doughy, but for now, if I keep it to the machines/weights, at least I'll stick with it. And I can reintroduce the cardio once I get bored with that, so I'll have an ace up my sleeve when that happens.

Right now, that's three sets of ten reps of rows, backbend thingys, reverse crunches, pulldowns, military presses, chest presses, butterfly presses, the thigh machine, hamstring machine, calf machine, OUT.

The key right now is for me to restart it either today or tomorrow (preferably tomorrow, right?), and get three workouts in a row, every other day. Just get back on the horse, Kev. It's waitin' for ya.


Nat D said...

Amen! I wish I knew how to work weight machines so I could do something other than run & ride my bike. I did use the elliptical machine the other day, and wasn't as afraid that I'd fly off the back as I was the first time.

Anonymous said...

OKAY, Kev. Tomorrow is your restart day!!! Go!