Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 12, Day 1, Herpreet

Hooray!!!!! We are at the THREE MONTH Mark girls 'n boys!

Today I swam, swam, swam! I was so worried that I would not do a good job today after the week of Spring Break. BUT. It was like the fish in me came out to play for the first time! Amazing. I realized that I am so mentally tired usually, and today I had no mental exhaustion coming into the water with me.

This has renewed my confidence for the event. I have a solid 2 weeks of summer break prior to the event. So I'm going to use those 2 weeks to REALLY focus on improving my swimming.


Cristin said...

You're a fish!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, but also a goat. My body (and mental state for that matter) is in constant conflict. Land. No water. Water. No, land.
