Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 1 Day 1 Natalie

If Wednesday can be counted as a day 1... but it rained Monday and Tuesday!!!! I did a double doozie today. I decided that for my exercise I would rake my yard. Since I usually am sore for days after raking my yard, I figured this would be ample exercise. Until I felt the butt of my jeans rip. So after I went to a staff meeting at my internship (where they sang to me and gave me birthday cake!!!) I came home and jumped back on the band wagon. Not sure how far I ran, but I'd guess between 1 and 1.5 miles. 16:40 to be exact, but that also includes stops to sniff flowers and pee (Annie was with me...) So one of my resolutions this year is to figure out how the rec center works. I have a free membership with school, so why not take advantage? Oh yeah, all those young 18 year old bodies... that's why. Glad to be back, thanks for the new challenge Herpreet! And Cristin, don't know how to tell you how impressed I am with your ability to stick with it!

problems uploading image. will post it later.

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