Friday, January 23, 2009

Week 3, Day Two, Herpreet

YO! So, I skipped my yoga and triath class on Wednesday. I'd begun school on Tuesday, and I felt plain old wore out the next day. HOWEVER....Today, I got myself up, ate some food, piddled around, and then headed to yoga. And after? I did my triath class. Which today was a swim. It is the first time I've stepped foot in a pool in EIGHT months. But honestly, if felt like YEARS. And I was feeling pretty nervous about it. We first did a warm up, and to my complete shock, I knew how to swim. I don't know why it never fails to shock me that I know how to swim. But it truly does. We did some drills, which was very helpful. My instructor commented on my form. Also helpful. We did a "ladder" which means we swam 25 yards, rest - 50 yards, rest - 75 yards, rest - 100 yards, rest - 75 yards, rest - 50 yards, rest - 25 yards, rest. All in all, with our warm up and drills and the ladder, I swam NINE HUNDRED YARDS. Eh, hem. That is over half a mile.

Today, I also found out our distances for the triathlon. My last two were called "super sprints," i.e. super - short. This one will be a "sprint" event. 800 (1/2 mile) swim, 12 mile bike, 5K (3.? miles). My last two were 1/4 mile swims and 2 mile runs. SO, I guess I'm moving on up...We all are!

In honor of our progress and also the WEEKEND, here is a little Friday treat. I was going to post the theme song to the Jeffersons, but then I remembered this little... Well, I can't call it a gem. But. It does have considerable entertainment value.

1 comment:

Cristin said...

Nice! I actually heard that song yesterday! Random. Nice job in the triath class by the way (5k=3.1miles)