Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 13, Day 1

Last week I decided to take Friday off since I’d done so much already. Friday turned into Saturday, Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday! Ugh. One thing I have realized is that I get crabby if I don’t exercise. Another thing I realized is the less I work out, the easier it is to continue not working out. I knew both of these things were true to a degree but they both came on strong over those 5 days. In my defense, there was a snowstorm over the weekend (in March!) and I had to work late on Monday and Tuesday. It’s the end of Q1 people!

I finally dragged myself to the gym (with the help of James) during lunch on Wednesday and did 25 minutes on the elliptical. It was amazing! I immediately felt like a normal person again and better about life in general.

Endorphins work.

I was going to try to get up this morning and exercise before work but for some reason it is simply impossible for me to get up early. Always has been. It's frustrating. I want to be a morning person! Oh well. I'm hoping I will do an Exercise TV workout when I get home from work today.

1 comment:

herpreet said...

Yay for endorphins! And James! I also WANT to be a morning person. Stupid morning people.