Friday, April 24, 2009

Last week, this week, the week before last

Lots of things have been going on to make it hard to blog. I’ll see what I can remember.

I do know that on that horrible hungover Friday I actually did make it to the gym. I decided I needed to sweat my toxins out and I did 15 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes in the steam room followed by a hot shower. I felt almost as good as new. I felt even better when I started drinking again.

I’m not sure what I did last week. I know I took a short walk/run on Easter and then I think I made it to the gym several times during lunch. But I could be wrong. I know I made it to my Friday Pilates class. I think it was a pretty good work-out week.

This week started with an hour of cardio on Sunday and a 30 minute walk on Monday. The rest of the week has been out of my control. I plan to make it to the gym sometime today even if it is only for 20 minutes.

James and I are going to work with a trainer on our swimming! Herpreet, I need all your swimming advice. Specifically, where can I get a good swimsuit? You know, one, that, um, supports me in my swimming endeavors.

1 comment:

Herpreet Singh said...

Lots of people where sports bras underneath! Just don't get one with cotton in it. But before you resort to the sports bra, go buy and athletic swim suit; don't use a beach suit. Look up if there are any swimming or tri shops in Chicago before you go to an Academy.