Friday, April 10, 2009

Week 14, Day 4, Cristin

Yesterday I went to the gym during lunch and rode the bike for about 25 minutes. Then I decided it was nice enough to walk back to work (50 degrees and sunny!!) which was about a 20 minute walk. Then I met up with two of my girlfriends for some BYOB sushi and walked 20 minutes to the restaurant. When we got there, the wait was 45 minutes so we walked several blocks to another one and then several more blocks to find a BYOB Italian restaurant for dessert. Lots of walking! I am so pleased that the weather has been nice enough to walk. One, I love being outside and two, more calories burned without trying!

Today I am very hung-over so I skipped my lunchtime Pilates class.

Very very hung-over.

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