Saturday, May 2, 2009

End of Week 17, Part 2, Herpreet

Friday's bike ride was a 3 mile warm up on a cycling loop and then a very scary 8 mile ride along the hilly highway. Yes. I said highway. I've never concentrated so hard on keeping my balance on a bike. Cars whizzing by at 75 miles an hour. Me riding on the shoulder. Who does that? Oh yeah, Ausinite cyclists.

Today, I met up with 2 women from my tri class. We swam 4 lengths of Barton Springs to practice for May 17. So, I completed an 800 swim today. I did free style, back stroke, and my weird treading/semi breast stroke... We stopped at the end of the pool, rested and swam back to the start. I admired the fish and the strange plants in the water. I didn't experience vertigo in quite the same way as the first time I swam in the springs. I now feel exhausted, but also less frightened about the event in a few weeks. I'm thinking of singing the theme song to Laverne and Shirley to myself as I swim the race.

1 comment:

Nat D said...

awesome! I think tomorrow I'll start my day off with a bike ride singing that song. Gotta get back on track!