Friday, May 22, 2009

End of the week, Cristin

I need to start writing down what exercise I did in my calendar each day-I am finding it extremely hard to remember what I did from day to day. Is that old age? I think it is.

On Tuesday, James and I went for a lunch time run by the lake. It was gorgeous outside so we took advantage of it. That’s what you do in Chicago-take advantage of the weather. It was short-about 20 minutes or so but it felt good.

Wednesday I actually got up when my alarm went of at 6:35! That is unheard of just so you know. I did 20 minutes of yoga and then a few minutes of meditation. I am trying to add these things into my life. Ideally, this is how I would start every morning. So far it was just Wednesday.

Thursday I walked to the gym (20 minutes) and then did 12 minutes on the elliptical and then about 15 minutes of weight lifting. I decided I couldn’t do 2 or 3 sets of everything due to the fact that I get kinda bored with it so I did one set of everything for as many reps as I could. I think I got a pretty good full body workout in. I might do this more often too since I feel like I should do more weights but I get so down thinking about lifting weights for 45 minutes.

I realize I am constantly changing my workout and what I want to focus on. I can’t decide if that is a good thing or not.

Happy Long Weekend!!!

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