Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some of Week 19, some of week 20, Cristin

I can’t remember what I did last week. I know I took a few days off because my whole body was sore and I think I just needed some rest. Took a long walk on Thursday and did an hour and ten minutes of Pilates with my Denise Austin DVD. That lady is crazy. First, she’s old. Secondly, she talks to you as if she’s teaching a class of 4 year olds. It was slightly maddening. It was hard to get too mad because the DVD is actually pretty tough. Especially since I did the “customize” work out and accidentally added every single 10 minute segment to my personalized work out.

I woke up on Saturday with a raging headache and tried to go for a run but the pounding was so bad I had to stick to walking. I wasn’t hung-over. I did celebrate my birthday the night before but I was very grown up and didn’t get drunk. I think I had too many different types of wine. Word to the wise: stick with the same kind all night.

Sunday morning I was headache free and went for a 3-mile run that felt great! Later on, I walked about 2 miles, which was nice because in between the walking and the running I ate a ton of food. Not only was it my birthday weekend but two other friends’ as well. So I basically celebrated all weekend long. This is why on Monday I came home from work and took a nap instead of a run. “Just Do It” kept entering my mind but my body wasn’t on board.

Natalie-I don't think you have to start over!

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