Friday, March 6, 2009

Kevin--I have neither been to the gym, nor exercised at home one time this week.

Just thought I'd share that with you guys.

I hadn't posted last month, because I kept setting my goal to do 4 40 minute sessions on the ellip each week. For the last few weeks, I've only been able to do 3. Which isn't bad, but it's also short of my goal.

So this week, I thought I'd go back to the weights, but I think there's a mental block here as I shift gears back into that mode. I don't know exactly what the block is--maybe I'm still dehydrated from the month of the endless elliptical.

Seriously though, I'd wake up after an elliptical session in the middle of the night, with my throat sore and cracking. I could've sworn I had some dreams where I was wandering in the desert, dying of thirst (or something right out of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly).

Also--I was waking up with mini-charley horses, which is probably due to poor stretching, but it was enough to make me feel like I deserved a week off.

This morning, I did some weird crunches that my coworker taught me. She said she learned them from a Pilates instructor. So at least I went through 10 minutes of pain this week. Olympics, here I come.


Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying the image of your co-worker in her work clothes instructing you on crunches on the office floor while you stand in your cube and watch. And then you get on the floor in your work clothes and try it out. And other people in other cubes banter about exercising.

Anonymous said...

Potassium! You need to eat a banana after you work out or before bed - for the cramping!

Nat D said...

Yeah, the bananas should help with that...

Cristin said...

Yes. Bananas. And Coconut water. I get charley horses and they suck.

I think you should write about your exercising even if you do not make your goal. 3 days of elliptical-ising is great!

And maybe your body is trying to tell you it needs to do something besides the elliptical. Mixing it up with weights is a good idea.

We've missed you!

Kevin said...

Thanks, y'all. Actually, my crunchy coworker just recommended the potassium thing, and I'm gonna try it! The post work-out banana is definitely a part of my future.

Herpreet--that image would be even funnier if you could picture my coworker doing crunches on the floor. She looks like the spawn of Ricky Gervais and KD Lang.