Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 11, Days 2 and 3 (and maybe 4)

Day 2: Friday lunch time Pilates class.

Day 3: I read in one of my magazines that some star ran 90 second sprints to get in shape for a movie. So of course, I decided to do that too. Well, it turns out 90 seconds is a long time for a sprint (I imagine she had some crazy trainer pushing her through. I do not) so I modified it a bit. There are light posts lining the lakefront so I ran the distance between them as a sprint and then walked the next one. I don’t know how many I did but when I got inside and checked the time I had been out for an hour. Then I decided to do weights. I don’t know why but I still felt like working out so I went with it since those days do not come around very often. Overall, I worked out for an hour and a half. I felt very productive.

I didn’t technically make my goal of 4 days in the week. I did take two brisk 25-minute walks on Tuesday but it was to and from a concert and alcohol was involved. I wasn’t going to count it but then I read Herpreet’s post about SXSW and I think I’ll count it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your day 3 counts for like 3 workouts. You are to Arnold.