Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 10, Days 1 and 2

Ahh!! I got behind on my reporting-in! Let's see.

First, Natalie, ballet sounds SO FUN! I love that you are taking an adult ballet class all by yourself. This sounds to me like the effect of yoga, but also like it's easier to find your peaceful, happy center with all that soft, girly pink. I know. I have clearly got an image in my head. Let's not burst it.

Kevin. I really like the idea of Ab-fab March, and I may jump on the bandwagon. In theory. I was planning to go to an ab class on Saturday. And I thought a lot about it, but I never made it there. Is this the kind of experience you are having?

Cristin, it is relieving, to me at least, that some weeks are off weeks for you. Otherwise, you'd be like the Schwarzenegger of this blog, and that would really intimidate me. On the other hand, I hope that this week (11), goes really well for you. And well, for ALL OF US!

On to Week 10 recap. You'll notice thee is no "day 3" in my heading. Because my day 3 was about listening to my body. My body said, on Friday: Do ABbsolutely nothing. My own kind of Ab workout. It was quite nice. Monday, I swam again, and survived it. Wednesday, I ran, and I was very pleased with the run. We did another workout where we ran a 1/4 mile, did some crunches, super mans, push ups, lunges and squats and we repeated that 4 times total, plus we did a cool down and for our warm up, we did some running drills.


Cristin said...

Haha. Yes. I have off weeks. I am no Schwarzenegger (thank goodnes-no desire to be a republican governor :))

Try Pilates for your ab workouts. That is basically what it focuses on. But it incorporates your whole core to make you stronger. Highly recommended.

Anonymous said...

My gym doesn't offer classes, but last week I just skipped the whole gym. I salvaged it with some ab/pushup stuff at home on Saturday, but it was just a placeholder.

Once I get started I'm pretty good b/c I heard it was really good to work out on sore muscles within 48 hours of your last workout. So as I sit here still sore on Wed., I don't want to "waste" Monday's workout and not cash in.

I love "ABsolutely nothing." That was last week for me.

Also--is there a website that shows some good pilates moves? Preferably ones that are really easy and get major results :)