Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 10, the rest of the days

Work was super busy so I wasn’t able to report last week.

Day 2 was on Monday and I went to the gym during lunch and did a short, intense workout. I warmed up a bit on the elliptical and then did 3 sets of 15 pushups, 15 jump squats with a 12 pound weight (I thought I grabbed a 10 lb weight and will do so next time since 12 was nearly impossible), 3 different types of ab exercises and then one minute of jump rope. Overall, an exhausting workout left me sore the next day so I was proud of that since it was only about 25 minutes.

So proud, I took Tuesday and Wednesday off.

Day 3 (Thursday) was another short workout during lunch-20 minutes on the elliptical. Lately my gym has had no good magazines. The only one there is Fit Pregnancy or something. I am sure I will be addicted to this magazine when I am pregnant but right now, I just want the latest US please.

Day 4 was my Friday Pilates class. I keep waiting for it to get easier but it does not. I was pleased to see some new girls in there making faces because it hurt so much so that was good. I am no longer the newest person in the class.

On Saturday, I decided to go for a run since it was 50 degrees and sunny here. I had trouble getting myself in the groove so I ran for a song, walked for a song for about 40 minutes. Truth be told there was a lot more walking than running going on.

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