Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 1, Days 2 and 3, Cristin

I managed to get in a workout on Friday and Saturday. Nothing on Sunday unless you count the 10 minutes it took me to get the snow off my car. I’m pretty sure I burned at least 15 calories doing that.

I was treated to a vacation in the city this weekend and stayed at a hotel on Friday night. After finding out that there was an $18/day per person fitness charge (18 dollars!!) we instead went up and down 12 flights of stairs 3 times. It resulted in a tough 15 minute workout. Not as long as I had hoped but still something to make me feel that I earned my steak dinner.

On Saturday I went ice skating for the first time! And here’s the amazing thing: I didn’t fall! Not once. I was really impressed with myself. I thought for sure I would be holding onto the rail the entire time. I was also really excited that 45 minutes of ice skating took the place of the gym that day. I think I worked muscles in my legs that have never been worked before. It's going to be my new thing. I just know it.

The Holiday eating is going to be my downfall. I'm hoping I can at least maintain throughout the season. Just maintain. I think that will be a feat in itself. I had so much good food this weekend I don't even want to talk about it.


Nat D said...

awesome! it's always nice when you can get your exercise in through fun activities. ice skating! won't be getting much of that done down here...

Anonymous said...
