Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week 2, Days 1 and 2, Cristin

I set my alarm for 6:20 on Monday with the hope of getting out of bed and getting a solid half hour of exercise in before work. I got up at 6:50 and got a solid 20 minutes in. And was extremely late for work. I decided to do a Cardio Dance workout from the On Demand section. It said no dance experience was required. It lied. I had to turn it off after 10 minutes because it was getting ridiulous. So after that I did 10 minutes of arm exercises from one of my magazines. Supposedly it's a routine from the woman who trains Madonna and Gwenyth Paltrow (hopefully my arms turn out more like Gwinnie's than Madge's)

Set my alarm early again on Tuesday. Up at 6:50 again and late for work again. Big surprise. This time I did one of Jillian's 30 day shred workouts from On Demand. KICKED MY ASS. I knew I was in trouble when she had fitness models doing the workout with her instead of Biggest Loser people. By the end even the models were sweating. I'll definitely do that one again. It's a 40 minute workout too which is good.

It took me 30 minutes to de-snow my car today so I'm trying to decide if that counts as day 3!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Your goals, your rules...I would love to see you dancing to a workout routine. And last year I scoured magazined to determine which celebrity's arms I wanted. First I thought Penelope Cruz, but upon closer inspection, I realized, Jennifer Aniston. She has really great arms.