Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week 2, Day 1 Herpreet


Today made my 3rd day of cardio for the week. Or technically, it's my FIRST day of cardio for the coming week. I wish I was not so compulsively linear, but I am.

So. Week 2, Day 1 is where I'm really at. I did a bike ride instead of a run. It was four miles around Town Lake, and took me 20 minutes. It was all going really great until I got to the end of the loop and backtracked to the trail map. I wanted to see on the map exactly how many miles I'd cycled. As I was riding over the gravel, I didn't slow down enough and my bike slid. I fell off, scraped up both hands, my calf, my elbow and my thigh.

Tons of people were around, and NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON bothered to ask me if I was okay. NOT ONE PERSON. Then, as I was trying hopelessly to get my chain back onto the gears, this dude comes up, says, "Do you know what time it is?" I was CLEARLY flustered as I tried to fix the chain. I look at my watch, say, "Ten after one." and he (barely) says, "Thanks," and runs off.


I just want to go on record with this: In Baton Rouge SOMEONE would have stopped to say, "Are you okay?" or to ask, "Do you need help with your chain.


Nat D said...

oof! that stinks, they ARE motherfuckers! I am very glad that I ran yesterday, it would have been awful trying to run today!

Kevin said...

Maybe you need to work some asskicking into your routine.

Cristin said...

That's terrible! I thought Austin was a wonderful community for cyclists!? I'm sorry that happened. Hope you're feeling better.