Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Week 3, Day 1, Cristin

Well this week is hard. It has been extremely cold. Today it was 7 degrees when I left for work. But, it was SO much warmer than yesterday that when I commented to the lady who is always at the bus top with me that today was better than yesterday she said “Oh yes. Today is very, very nice” WHAT? TODAY IS NICE? The saddest part is that I agreed with her. Today WAS nice.

But not nice enough to want to get up and work out. Not only is it cold but it is also dark in the mornings. It’s very hard to get out of bed much less fit in a pre-work work out.

I tried Monday but it didn’t work. I woke up today much too late to do an actual work out so I remembered that all my magazines say that you can spread out your workout through out the day. So I turned on the TV and watched morning shows while doing odd bits of cardio for 10 minutes. At least it was something.

And then at lunch I walked probably about a mile round trip while I did some Christmas shopping. IN THE SNOW (but not uphill!).

So that’s about 20 minutes total. Hopefully I have another 10 minute workout in my future.

My week 3 goal is to get through week 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You MUST! Do your dance on demand! Or go ice skating again! You can do it! Come on, these are the hardest weeks. Let's push through the holidays!!!