Monday, December 29, 2008

Week 5, Day 1, Cristin

Because I hurt myself so badly on Day 3 there was no Day 4 last week. I’m not sure there would have been a Day 4 anyway but let’s just pretend I was going to run 8 miles but I just couldn’t.

So, Day 1.

Ice Skating! With Hockey Skates! And I didn’t fall at all. I knew I could do it. So now I am just changing my Olympic dreams a bit to speed skater instead of figure skater. Sure there’s no music and hardly any glory and not as many people watch the competitions or even know when they come on but I have to focus on what I am good at here people.

One whole hour of ice skating. It was a pretty good workout. I was sore and exhausted afterwards.
I also have plans to really step it up in the new year with my workouts. I know, I know, it sounds like a resolution. But something has got to be done.

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